Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: What is a Woman?
Scripture: Genesis 1:27 Genesis 2:18-25
Date: 05/14/23 Sun. AM
Sermon Outline:
I. What Does the World Say?
II. What Does the Bible Say?
Thomasville, GA
Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: What is a Woman?
Scripture: Genesis 1:27 Genesis 2:18-25
Date: 05/14/23 Sun. AM
Sermon Outline:
I. What Does the World Say?
II. What Does the Bible Say?
Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: The Love God Hates
Scripture: 1 John 2:15-17
Date: 10/30/22 Sun. AM
It’s better to have God approve, than have the world applaud. Love what God loves and hate what God hates.
Sermon Outline:
I. What the World Is (1 John 2:15b)
II. What the World Does (1 John 2:16)
III. Where the World is Headed (1 John 2:17)
Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: Living Clean in a Dirty World
Scripture: 1 Peter 1:13-17
Date: 11/22/20 Sun. AM
Description: Peter tells the church they are about to suffer for their faith and how they can live clean in a dirty world.
I. Hope (1:13)
II. Holiness (1:14-16)
III. Honor (1:17)
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Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: The Sin of Worldliness
Scripture: James 4:1-10
Date: 05/31/2020 Sun. PM
Description: Jesus warns us that a friend of the world is not a friend of God. Today we examine the cause, consequences, and cure for worldliness.
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Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: Why They Hate Jesus, Christians, & Trump
Scripture: John 15:17-25
Date: 01/05/2020 Sun. AM
Description: There are Biblical reasons the world hates Jesus, Christians, and President Trump. Today’s message will help clarify why we can expect the coming persecution.
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Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: Destruction of Spiritual Babylon Pt.1
Scripture: Revelation 17:1-6
Date: 08/18/2019 Sun. PM
Description: Chapter 17 of Revelation introduces us to the destruction of the final world religion, the apostate church or the harlot church left behind at the rapture.
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Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: “Truths We Can Count On”
Scripture: 1 John 5:13-21
Date: 09-16-18 Sun. AM
Description: Everything in this life and world is uncertain. John gives us 5 truths we know and count on.
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Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: Family Fellowship #16
Title: “Testing the Spirits”
Scripture: I John 4:1-6
Date: 07-29-18 Sun. PM
Description: After John contrasts the children of God and the children of Satan, he now contrasts the teachers and teachings of the Spirit of God and the spirit of Satan. Evil spirits are behind false teachers and their teachings. They are to be taken seriously and addressed firmly. The tests John gives are enough to discern between the true and the false. These tests can be applied to any so-called move of God or revival and you can determine if it’s of God or of Satan.
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Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: Family Fellowship #7
Title: “What the World Offers But Cannot Give”
Scripture: 1 John 2:15-17
Date: 05-20-18 Sun. PM
Description: John shares three promises the world offers but cannot deliver. Pastor Ken offers an “affection test” at the end of the sermon that reveals what your love is really centered on.
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Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: The Wealth and Walk of the Christian #15
Title: “The New Life”
Scripture: Ephesians 4:17-24
Date: 11-05-17 Sun. AM & PM
Description: In view of the spiritual blessings previously mentioned in this series on Ephesians, as well as the fact that we are members of one body of believers, we should walk differently than unbelievers. In this passage, Paul gives the characteristics of the “old man” which believers are to forsake, and the “new man” which they are to put on.
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