Judge Not

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: Judge Not
Scripture: Matthew 7:1-6
Date: 08/02/2020 Sun. AM

Description: This passage is the favorite passage of lost people and Christians living in sin. What was Jesus really teaching in this text?

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Cartoon Christians

Speaker: Bro. Glen Scoggin
Title: Cartoon Christians
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 4:2
Date: 07/26/2020 Sun. PM

Description: Bro. Glen teaches about different kinds of Christians using the analogy of some old cartoon characters.

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Why They Hate Jesus, Christians, & Trump

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: Why They Hate Jesus, Christians, & Trump
Scripture: John 15:17-25
Date: 01/05/2020 Sun. AM

Description: There are Biblical reasons the world hates Jesus, Christians, and President Trump. Today’s message will help clarify why we can expect the coming persecution.

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“Ephesus: Love Grows Cold” 120218 PM

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: “Ephesus: Love Grows Cold”
Scripture: Revelation 2:1-7
Date: 12-02-18 Sun. PM

Description: Many Christians and churches have left their first love. What does that mean and how do we get it back?

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