Spiritual Conflict Pt. 4

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title:  Spiritual Conflict Pt. 4
Scripture:  Joshua 6:17-27
Date: 04/24/22 Sun. PM


I. We Fight from Victory not for Victory (Joshua 6:1-5).

II. We Overcome the Enemy by Faith (Joshua 6:6-16).

III. We Obey Every Detail (Joshua 6:17-27)

Spiritual Conflict Pt. 2

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title:  Spiritual Conflict Pt. 2
Scripture:  Joshua 6:6-25
Date: 03/27/22 Sun. PM


I. We Fight from Victory not for Victory (Joshua 6:1-5).

II. We Overcome the Enemy by Faith (Joshua 6:6-25).

III. We Give God the Glory (Joshua 6:26-27)

Spiritual Conflict

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title:  Spiritual Conflict
Scripture:  Joshua 6:1-5
Date: 03/27/22 Sun. PM


I. We Fight from Victory not for Victory (Joshua 6:1-5).

II. We Overcome the Enemy by Faith (Joshua 6:6-16, Joshua 6:20).

III. We Give God the Glory (Joshua 6:17-19, Joshua 6:21-27)