Two Adam’s: From Creation to Calvary

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: Two Adam’s: From Creation to Calvary
Scripture:  Selected Scriptures
Date: 12/26/21 Sun. AM


Outline: In the “Story of Two Adam’s” the Scriptures tell us why we are lost and how we can be saved.

I. The First Adam.

II. The Last Adam.

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The Purpose of Christmas

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: The Purpose of Christmas
Scripture:  Isaiah 42:1-9
Date: 12/19/21 Sun. AM

Description: Isaiah tells us about the coming of Christ Child 900 years before becomes flesh. Find the Purpose of Christmas in
Isa. 42:1-9.

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The Place of Christmas

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: The Place of Christmas
Scripture:  Micah 5:2
Date: 12/12/21 Sun. AM

Description: Micah 5:2 – The Place of Christmas.

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Jet Tour Through Revelation

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: Jet Tour Through Revelation
Scripture:  Revelation 1:19
Date: 12/05/21 Sun. PM


Outline: Pastor Ken takes us on a jet tour through Revelation from Rev 1:1 – Rev 22:21.

I. Things Which Thou Hast Seen (1).

II. Things Which Are (2-3).

III. Things Which Shall Be Hereafter (4-22).

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The Person of Christmas

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: The Person of Christmas
Scripture:  Isaiah 9:6-7
Date: 12/05/21 Sun. AM


Outline: Isaiah tells us about the coming of Christ Child 900 years before becomes flesh.

I. He is the Grace of God (9:6a).

II. He is the Glory of God (9:6b).

III. He is the Greatness of God (9:6c).

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Popcorn Preaching Service

Speaker: Men of Church
Title: Popcorn Preaching Service
Date: 11/28/21 Sun. PM

Description: Tonight we have popcorn preaching from four men in the church.

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The Demands of Discipleship

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: Matthew:  Our Sovereign King
Title: The Demands of Discipleship
Scripture:  Matthew 16:21-28
Date: 11/28/21 Sun. AM


Outline: Matthew shares the demands of discipleship for followers of Jesus. They may seem radical by today’s standards.

I. Three Demands of Discipleship (16:24).

II. Two Roadblocks (16:25-26).

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Arise, Go Over This Jordan Pt. 2

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: Book of Joshua
Title: Arise, Go Over This Jordan Pt. 2
Scripture:  Joshua 1:4-9
Date: 11/21/21 Sun. PM

Description: In this message “Arise, Go Over This Jordan,” The people of God are instructed to possess their inheritance.


I. A New Leader (1:1).

II. A Renewed Commission (1:2-3).

III. Victory is Promised (1:4-5).

IV. Conditions of the Promise (1:6-9).

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Believing in the Right Jesus Pt. 2

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: Matthew:  Our Sovereign King
Title: Believing in the Right Jesus Pt. 2
Scripture:  Matthew 16:13-20
Date: 11/21/21 Sun. AM


Outline: Are you believing in the right Jesus? Matt. 16:13-17 gives us insight as to the true people of God.

I. The Church is a Community of People Who Know Jesus Intimately (16:13-17).

II. The Church is a Community of People Who Confidently Proclaim Him (16:18).

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Arise, Go Over This Jordan

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: Book of Joshua
Title: Arise, Go Over This Jordan
Scripture:  Joshua 1:1-9
Date: 11/14/21 Sun. PM

Description: In this message “Arise, Go Over This Jordan,” The people of God are instructed to possess their inheritance.


I. A New Leader (1:1).

II. A Renewed Commission (1:2-3).

III. Victory is Promised (1:4-5).

IV. Conditions of the Promise (1:6-9).

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