Speaker: Missionary Speakers
Scripture: Exodus 14:13-14
Date: 02/13/22 Sun. AM
Testimony by Missionary Joshua Akakpo (Togo, West Africa)
Missionary Speaker: Ray Secillano (Philippines)
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Thomasville, GA
Speaker: Missionary Speakers
Scripture: Exodus 14:13-14
Date: 02/13/22 Sun. AM
Testimony by Missionary Joshua Akakpo (Togo, West Africa)
Missionary Speaker: Ray Secillano (Philippines)
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Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: Last Days Ministry
Scripture: 2 Timothy 4:1-5
Date: 02/06/22 Sun. PM
I. We Will be Judged (vs. 4:1)
II. Speak the Word (vs. 4:2-4)
III. Be Watchful (vs. 4:5a)
IV. Endure Hardness (vs. 4:5b)
V. Share the Gospel (vs. 4:5c)
VI. Be Faithful (vs. 4:5d)
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Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: The Times We Live In
Scripture: 2 Timothy 3:1-5
Date: 02/06/22 Sun. AM
I. People Without Love (vs. 3:2-4)
II. People Without Substance (vs. 3:5)
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Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: What do these Stone’s Mean?
Scripture: Joshua 4:1-24
Date: 01/30/22 Sun. PM
Description: In Joshua 4 we see the Israelites crossing the Jordan River. What do these two memorials mean that they set up?
I. The First Memorial (vs. 1-5)
II. The Explanation (vs. 6-7)
III. The Second Memorial (vs. 8-10)
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Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: Jesus Shows a Fish Story
Scripture: Matthew 17:22-27
Date: 01/30/22 Sun. AM
Description: In Matt. 17:24-27 Jesus performs the miracle of the coin in the fishes mouth. What can we learn from this miracle?
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Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: Forward by Faith Pt. 2
Scripture: Joshua 3:1-17
Date: 01/23/22 Sun. PM
Outline: Joshua and the Israelites cross the Jordan. What can we learn about going forward in faith?
I. Be Sanctified (vs. 1-5)
II. Follow the Leader (vs. 6-8)
III. Glorify the Lord (vs. 9-13)
IV. Be Obedient (vs. 14-17)
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Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: Spiritual Power
Scripture: Matthew 17:14-21
Date: 01/23/22 Sun. AM
Description: Jesus tells the nine Disciples why they could not cast the demon out of the boy. How’s your faith life?
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Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: Preview of the Second Coming Pt. 1
Scripture: Matthew 17:1-6
Date: 01/09/22 Sun. AM
Outline: Jesus give us a brief glimpse of His millennial glory in what is the transfiguration.
I. The Transformation of the Son (vs. 1-2)
II. The Testimony of the Saints (vs. 3-4)
III. The Terror of the Father (vs. 5-6)
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Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: Two Adam’s: From Creation to Calvary Pt. 2
Scripture: Genesis 3:15
Date: 01/02/22 Sun. AM
Outline: The story of two Adam’s tell why we are lost and how we can be saved through the last Adam, Christ.
I. The First Adam.
II. The Last Adam.
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Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: Rahab: Picture of Saving Faith Pt. 2
Scripture: Joshua 2:1-24
Date: 12/26/21 Sun. PM
Outline: In part two we continue to examine what kind of faith Rahab had in Joshua 2:1-24.
I. Courageous Faith (vs. 1-7).
II. Confident Faith (vs. 8-11).
III. Concerned Faith (vs. 12-14).
IV. Covenant Faith (vs. 15-24).
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