God’s Wrath on Unrighteousness

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title:  God’s Wrath on Unrighteousness
Scripture: Romans 1:18-20
Date: 2/16/25 Sun. PM

Sermon Outline:

I. The Wrath of God (Romans 1:18)
II. Man’s Conscience (Romans 1:19)
III. Creation (Romans 1:20)

The Wrath of the Lamb Pt. 4

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: “The Wrath of the Lamb” Pt. 4
Scripture: Revelation 6:12-17
Date: 3-17-2019 Sun. PM

Description: Rev 6:1-17 presents the first six seal judgements. Today we examine the sixth seal which speaks of horrific disasters before the seventh seal is introduced in chapter 8:1.

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The Wrath of the Lamb Pt. 3

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: “The Wrath of the Lamb” Pt. 3
Scripture: Revelation 6:9-17
Date: 3-3-2019 Sun. PM

Description: In Rev 6 we have the opening of the tribulation known as the wrath of the Lamb.

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The Wrath of the Lamb Pt. 2

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: “The Wrath of the Lamb” Pt. 2
Scripture: Revelation 6:1-17
Date: 02-24-2019 Sun. PM

Description: In Rev 6 we have the opening of the tribulation known as the wrath of the Lamb.

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“The Wrath of the Lamb” Pt. 1

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: “The Wrath of the Lamb” Pt. 1
Scripture: Revelation 6:1-17
Date: 02-17-2019 Sun. PM

Description: In Rev 6 we have the opening of the tribulation known as the wrath of the Lamb.

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