Turning Trials into Triumphs

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title:  Turning Trials into Triumphs
Scripture: James 1:2-12
Date: 1/19/25 Sun. AM

Sermon Outline:

I. Trials Work for You (James 1:2-4)
II. Have the Right Attitude (James 1:5-11)
III. The Future Benefit of Trials (James 1:12)

Where is God When We Need Him?

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: “Where is God When We Need Him?”
Scripture: Psalm 13:1-6
Date: 3-10-2019 Sun. AM

Description: We may feel like God has forsaken us and forgotten us in our trials. But He hasn’t. Let’s see what David discovered.

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Strength for the Storm

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: “Strength for the Storm” (or) “How to Think in Tough Times”
Scripture: James 1:2-4
Date: 03-26-17 Sun. AM

Description: No matter what the trials may be on the outside (James 1:1,12) or the temptations on the inside (James 1:13), through faith in Christ we can experience victory. The result of this victory is spiritual maturity. The question is, what are we going to do about our trials? How are we going to think in tough times so we can have strength for the storm?

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Battling Discouragement: Part 2

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: 2 Corinthians – Encouragement in Troubling Times – #7
Title: “Battling Discouragement in Ministry – Part 2”
Scripture: 2 Cor. 2:14-16
Date: 5-29-16 Sun. AM

Description: We often get discouraged and disheartened by the trials and hardship of living in these fallen bodies in a fallen world. Paul found his way out of discouragement by focusing on his privileges rather than his problems.

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The God of All Comfort

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: “The God of All Comfort”
Scripture: 2 Cor. 1:1-7
Date: 4-10-16 Sun. AM

Description: In spite of all the trials Paul experienced, he was able by the grace of God, to write a letter of encouragement. How can we find encouragement in God? Pastor Ken shares three simple reminders from this text.

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Enduring Trials

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: Faith in Action
Title: “Enduring Trials”
Scripture: James 1:2-12
Date: 1-17-16 Sun. AM

Description: Tonight I want to share how we can endure trials that work for us and not against us.

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