Sinners Only

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: The Gospel of Mark #10
Title: “Sinners Only”
Scripture: Mark 2:13-17
Date: 02-26-17 Sun. PM

Description: The glory of the gospel is that God receives unworthy sinners who know they are not worthy to receive forgiveness. They repent and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. Someone called this the scandal of grace because God forgives those who don’t deserve it. In this text, Jesus reveals the people to whom He extends forgiveness – repentant sinners. The gospel is for sinners only.

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Who Can Forgive Sins?

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: The Gospel of Mark #9
Title: “Who Can Forgive Sins?”
Scripture: Mark 2:1-12
Date: 02-19-17 Sun. PM

Description: Who has the ability to forgive people of their sins? In Jesus ministry, He did not just heal people’s physical illnesses, but also healed them spiritually. That is the main point of this story from the gospel of Mark. Jesus had the authority to forgive sins.

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Who is to Blame for Our Sin?

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: “Who is to Blame for Our Sin?”
Scripture: James 1:13-16
Date: 1-24-16 Sun. AM

Description: I ask 3 questions from the text- Whose fault is our sin? How exactly do we sin? How do we keep from sinning?

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