What is Saving Faith?

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: “What is Saving Faith?”
Scripture: Ephesians 2:8-10
Date: 06-18-17 Sun. AM

Description: What is saving faith? What is the purpose of our good works? What is repentance? Pastor Ken presents four truths about true saving faith. We are saved by grace alone, thru faith alone, in Christ alone, but not a faith that is alone. This is the heart of the gospel that separates Christianity from religion! This is saving faith that will send you to heaven.

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Family Secrets

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: The Gospel of Mark #15
Title: “Family Secrets”
Scripture: Mark 4:3-9,14-20
Date: 04-09-17 Sun. AM

Description: Have you ever wondered why some are with us then depart from us, why they profess but don’t continue, and why they are not here (or in any other church)? All of these questions can be explained in the parable today!

As Jesus proclaimed the gospel of the kingdom not everybody believed, in fact, more rejected the gospel than believed. Because of the hardness of the people’s hearts, Jesus taught in parables so those seeking truth could understand and those who hardened their heart could not understand (Mark 4:10-12).

Three observations:

1. The parable of the four soils illustrates the problem Jesus faced and the reactions people have to the gospel.

2. This parable also teaches that people don’t lose their salvation, they just never possessed salvation.

3. If someone seems to have lost their salvation, they were just one of the first three hearts (Mark 4:23).

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Sinners Only

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: The Gospel of Mark #10
Title: “Sinners Only”
Scripture: Mark 2:13-17
Date: 02-26-17 Sun. PM

Description: The glory of the gospel is that God receives unworthy sinners who know they are not worthy to receive forgiveness. They repent and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. Someone called this the scandal of grace because God forgives those who don’t deserve it. In this text, Jesus reveals the people to whom He extends forgiveness – repentant sinners. The gospel is for sinners only.

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Testing Your Salvation

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: Encouragement in Troubling Times #29
Title: “Testing Your Salvation”
Scripture: 2 Cor. 13:5-7
Date: 12-4-16 Sun. AM


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What Happens to Babies Who Die?, Pt. 2

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: What Happens to Babies Who Die
Title: “What Happens to Babies Who Die?”, Pt. 2
Scripture: Selected Text
Date: 6/24/12 Sun. AM

Description: Today I want to share some explicit Scriptures to prove babies go to heaven when they die. These Scriptures tell us that babies are innocent, known by God, and saved from the judgment of God.

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What Happens to Babies Who Die?, Pt. 1

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: What Happens to Babies Who Die
Title: “What Happens to Babies Who Die?”, Pt. 1
Scripture: Selected Text
Date: 6/17/12 Sun. AM

Description: Today I want to share some implicit references in Scripture and three theological questions why babies go to heaven when they die.

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Jesus Loves the Little Children

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: What Happens to Babies Who Die?
Title: “Jesus Loves the Little Children”
Scripture: Matt. 19:13-15
Date: 6/10/12 Sun. AM

Description: I want you to see 3 facts about the relationship between Jesus and children.

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