Trusting Jesus in the Storms of Life

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title:  Trusting Jesus in the Storms of Life
Scripture: John 6:15-21
Date: 2/16/25 Sun. AM

Sermon Outline:

I. We Can Trust His Person.
II. We Can Trust His Purpose.
III. We Can Trust His Providence.
IV. We Can Trust His Power.

The Greatest Prayer Ever Prayed Pt. 2

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title:  The Greatest Prayer Ever Prayed Pt. 2
Scripture: John 17:6-12
Date: 01/21/24 Sun. PM

Sermon Outline:

I. Jesus Prays for Himself (John 17:1-5)
A. The Person of His Father (John 17:1)
B. The Power of His Father (John 17:2-3)
C. The Purpose of His Father (John 17:4-5)

II. Jesus Prays for His Apostles Pt. 1 (John 17:6-12)
A. Special Revelation to the Believer (John 17:6-10)
B. Security of the Believer (John 17:11-12)

The Greatest Prayer Ever Prayed Pt. 1

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title:  The Greatest Prayer Ever Prayed Pt. 1
Scripture: John 17:1-5
Date: 01/21/24 Sun. AM

Sermon Outline:

I. Jesus Prays for Himself (John 17:1-5)
A. The Person of His Father (John 17:1)
B. The Power of His Father (John 17:2-3)
C. The Purpose of His Father (John 17:4-5)

II. Jesus Prays for His Apostles Pt. 1 (John 17:6-12)
A. Special Revelation to the Believer (John 17:6-10)
B. Security of the Believer (John 17:11-12)

Worship vs Waste

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title:  Worship vs Waste
Scripture: Matthew 26:1-16
Date: 04/23/23 Sun. PM

Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God and Him only shalt thou serve. Luke 4:8

Sermon Outline:

I. The Worship of Mary (Matthew 26:7)
II. The Waste of Judas (Matthew 26:8-9)
III. The Purpose of Jesus (Matthew 26:10-16)

The Purpose of Christmas

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: The Purpose of Christmas
Scripture:  Isaiah 42:1-9
Date: 12/19/21 Sun. AM

Description: Isaiah tells us about the coming of Christ Child 900 years before becomes flesh. Find the Purpose of Christmas in
Isa. 42:1-9.

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The Purpose of Pain

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: The Purpose of Pain
Scripture: 1 Peter 1:6-7
Date: 11/17/2019 Sun. AM

Description: I begin a new series on the problem of human suffering. Today a topical message on the “Purpose of Pain”.

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The Millennium

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: The Millennium
Scripture: Revelation 20:4-10
Date: 10/13/2019 Sun. PM

Description: The Bible teaches the 1,000 year reign of Christ from Jerusalem after the second coming. What is it and what is it’s purpose?

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The Gospel Preacher

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: Great Gospel Invitations #20
Title: “The Gospel Preacher”
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 2:1-5
Date: 09-02-18 Sun. AM

Description: The Apostle Paul shares a portrait of a Gospel Preacher. He is known by his passion, power, and purpose.

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