Trusting Jesus in the Storms of Life

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title:  Trusting Jesus in the Storms of Life
Scripture: John 6:15-21
Date: 2/16/25 Sun. AM

Sermon Outline:

I. We Can Trust His Person.
II. We Can Trust His Purpose.
III. We Can Trust His Providence.
IV. We Can Trust His Power.

Jesus is God

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title:  Jesus is God
Scripture: John 5:17-24
Date: 1/13/25 Sun. AM

Sermon Outline:

I. Jesus is Equal with God in His Person (John 5:17-18)
II. Jesus is Equal with God in His Works (John 5:19-20)
III. Jesus is Equal with God in His Power (John 5:21)
IV. Jesus is Equal with God in His Judgment (John 5:22-24)

Spring Cleaning

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title:  Spring Cleaning
Scripture: John 2:12-25
Date: 09/29/24 Sun. AM

Sermon Outline:

I. His Passion for God’s House (John 2:12-17)
II. His Power of Resurrection (John 2:18-22)
III. His Perception of the Human Heart (John 2:23-25)

Jesus Prays for His Apostles

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title:  Jesus Prays for His Apostles
Scripture: John 17:13-19
Date: 01/28/24 Sun. AM

Sermon Outline:

I. The Word of God Gives Us Joy (John 17:13)
A. The Word of God Gives Us Love (John 17:14)
B. The Word of God Gives Us Power (John 17:15-17)
C. The Word of God Give Us the Ability to Serve (John 17:18-19)

The Greatest Prayer Ever Prayed Pt. 2

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title:  The Greatest Prayer Ever Prayed Pt. 2
Scripture: John 17:6-12
Date: 01/21/24 Sun. PM

Sermon Outline:

I. Jesus Prays for Himself (John 17:1-5)
A. The Person of His Father (John 17:1)
B. The Power of His Father (John 17:2-3)
C. The Purpose of His Father (John 17:4-5)

II. Jesus Prays for His Apostles Pt. 1 (John 17:6-12)
A. Special Revelation to the Believer (John 17:6-10)
B. Security of the Believer (John 17:11-12)

The Greatest Prayer Ever Prayed Pt. 1

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title:  The Greatest Prayer Ever Prayed Pt. 1
Scripture: John 17:1-5
Date: 01/21/24 Sun. AM

Sermon Outline:

I. Jesus Prays for Himself (John 17:1-5)
A. The Person of His Father (John 17:1)
B. The Power of His Father (John 17:2-3)
C. The Purpose of His Father (John 17:4-5)

II. Jesus Prays for His Apostles Pt. 1 (John 17:6-12)
A. Special Revelation to the Believer (John 17:6-10)
B. Security of the Believer (John 17:11-12)

The Power to Raise the Dead

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: The Truth Behind the Miracle Pt. 6
Title: The Power to Raise the Dead
Scripture: Matthew 9:18-26
Date: 10/25/2020 Sun. AM

Description: Jesus shows His power and authority by raising Jairus’ daughter from the dead and healing the woman with an issue of blood.

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Power to Forgive Sins

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: The Truth Behind the Miracle Pt. 5
Title: Power to Forgive Sins
Scripture: Matthew 9:1-8
Date: 10/11/2020 Sun. AM

Description: Jesus demonstrates His power to forgive sins in the healing of the Paralytic.

I. The Miracle Explained

II. The Miracle Applied.

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The Power of Righteous Praying

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: The Power of Righteous Praying
Scripture: James 5:13-18
Date: 06/21/2020 Sun. AM

Description: James shares the Power of Righteous Prayer.

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Taming the Tongue

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: Taming the Tongue
Scripture: James 3:1-12
Date: 05/17/2020 Sun. AM

Description: Pastor Ken preaches on the power of the tongue from James 3:1-12.

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