Lessons from the Vessel

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: 2 Corinthians – Encouragement in Troubling Times – #10
Title: “Lessons from the Vessel”
Scripture: 2 Cor. 4:7-12
Date: 6-26-16 Sun. AM

Description: The glorious gospel has been committed to us. But we are nothing more than earthen vessels or clay pots. It is an amazing thing that God put such a valuable treasure in clay pots!

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Don’t Lose Heart

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: 2 Corinthians – Encouragement in Troubling Times #9
Title: “Don’t Lose Heart”
Scripture: 2 Cor. 4:1-6
Date: 6-12-16 Sun. AM

Description: There were certainly plenty of reasons for discouragement in Paul’s life like there is in our life sometimes, yet the great apostle did not quit. He knew what he possessed in Jesus Christ! Instead of complaining about what he did not have, Paul rejoiced in what he did have; and we can do the same thing.

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