Believing in the Right Jesus Pt. 1

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: Matthew:  Our Sovereign King
Title: Believing in the Right Jesus Pt. 1
Scripture:  Matthew 16:13-20
Date: 11/14/21 Sun. AM


Outline: Are you believing in the right Jesus? Matt. 16:13-17 gives us insight as to the true people of God.

I. The Church is a Community of People Who Know Jesus Intimately (16:13-17).

II. The Church is a Community of People Who Confidently Proclaim Him (16:18).

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The Blind Who Are Made to See

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: Matthew:  Our Sovereign King
Title: The Blind Who Are Made to See
Scripture:  Matthew 16:5-12
Date: 10/24/21 Sun. PM


Outline: Matthew shares four characteristics of those who are spiritually blind and are made to see.

I. They Seek the Light (16:5).

II. They Curse the Darkness (16:5).

III. They Receive Greater Light (16:6-10).

IV. They are Taught by the Lord (16:11-12).

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The Blind that Refuse to See

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: Matthew:  Our Sovereign King
Title: The Blind that Refuse to See
Scripture:  Matthew 16:1-4
Date: 10/17/21 Sun. PM


Outline: Matthew describes Spiritual blindness and the sad destiny of those who willfully remain in sin and darkness.

I. They Love Spiritual Darkness (16:1a).

II. They Curse the Light (16:1b-3).

III. They Regress Deeper into Sin (16:4a).

IV. They are Abandoned by God (16:4b).

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Great Faith

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: Matthew:  Our Sovereign King
Title: Great Faith
Scripture:  Matthew 15:21-28
Date: 09/19/21 Sun. PM

Description: What is great faith and what in our text caused Jesus to make that statement?


I. Repentant Faith (15:22a).

II. Reverent Faith (15:22b).

III. Persistent Faith (15:23-24).

IV. Humble Faith (15:25-27).

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Traditions vs. Commandments

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: Matthew:  Our Sovereign King
Title: Traditions vs. Commandments
Scripture:  Matthew 15:1-20
Date: 09/12/21 Sun. PM

Description: Jesus confronts the religious leader about their hypocrisy.

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Faith in the Face of Fear

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: Matthew:  Our Sovereign King
Title: Faith in the Face of Fear
Scripture:  Matthew 14:22-33
Date: 09/05/21 Sun. PM

Description: Pastor Ken teaches how we can have faith in the face of fear as we learn from Jesus walking on water in Matt. 14:22-33.


I.   Jesus is Sovereign Over You (22-24).

II.  Jesus is Interceding for You (22-24).

III.  Jesus is Present in You (25-27).

IV.  Jesus is Strength in You (28-31).

V.   Jesus is Peace in You (32-33).


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The Feeding of the 5000

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: Matthew
Title: The Feeding of the 5000
Scripture: Matthew 14:13-21
Date: 08/15/21 Sun. PM

Description: What is the real lesson behind the miracle of the feeding of the 5,000 as found in
Matt. 14:13-21?


I. Reflect on the Compassion of Jesus

II. Rely on the Resources of Jesus

III. Receive the Blessings of Jesus

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Killing the Messenger but not the Message

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: Killing the Messenger but not the Message
Scripture: Matthew 14:1-12
Date: 08/08/21 Sun. PM

Description: The death of John the Baptist had deeper implications than we might believe. Matt. 14:1-12 gives us insight into the implications of his beheading by Herod.

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Why Jesus was not Accepted in His Hometown

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: Matthew
Title: Why Jesus was not Accepted in His Hometown
Scripture: Matthew 13:53-58
Date: 07/25/21 Sun. PM

Description: Why did Jesus’ hometown of Nazareth reject him? Why do people today reject Jesus? We gain insight from Matt. 13:53-58.


1. They Questioned His Authority (v. 54).

2. They Didn’t See Him as God (v. 55-56).

3. They Strongly Rejected Him (v. 57).

4. Because of Their Unbelief (v. 58).

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How Jesus Builds His Church

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: How Jesus Builds His Church
Scripture: Matthew 16:13-19
Acts 1:8
Ephesians 4:11-12
Date: 07/18/21 Sun. PM

Description: The Pastor explains how Jesus builds His church and who He uses.


I. Who Builds the Church? (Matt. 16:13-19)

II. What is the Great Commission?

III. Where Are We Sent? (Acts 1:8)

IV. How Are We Trained? (Eph. 4:11-12)

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