The Doctrine of Believer’s Baptism

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: “Believer’s Baptism”
Scripture: Matt. 28:19-20; Acts 2:41
Date: 8-13-17 Sun. AM

Description: Baptism is a part of the great commission to the church. The church is supposed to teach the Gospel and win people to Christ. As soon as they believe and are saved, the church is to baptize them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
Then the church’s next task is to teach them how to follow Christ.

In this message, Pastor Ken shares five characteristics of believer’s baptism from Bible passages in Acts, Matthew, and Romans.

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Dogs, Pearls, and Pigs

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: “Dogs, Pearls, and Pigs”
Scripture: Matt. 7:6
Date: 03-26-17 Sun. PM

Description: “Judge not that you may not be judged!” Isn’t that the response we get from unbelievers and Christians who don’t interpret the Bible correctly? They say “think the best of others and be positive.” What does this text really teach about judging? What does it not teach? And what about the dogs, pearls, and pigs?

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Sinners Only

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: The Gospel of Mark #10
Title: “Sinners Only”
Scripture: Mark 2:13-17
Date: 02-26-17 Sun. PM

Description: The glory of the gospel is that God receives unworthy sinners who know they are not worthy to receive forgiveness. They repent and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. Someone called this the scandal of grace because God forgives those who don’t deserve it. In this text, Jesus reveals the people to whom He extends forgiveness – repentant sinners. The gospel is for sinners only.

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The Glory of the Incarnation

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: “The Glory of the Incarnation”
Scripture: Matt. 1:18-25
Date: 12-18-16 Sun. AM

Description: Jesus Christ is the God-man who was virgin born. Believing in His humanity is just as important as believing in His deity.

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The Parables of Jesus, Part 4 – The Sower and the Seed

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: The Parables of Jesus
Title: “The Sower and the Seed”
Scripture: Matt. 13:3-8,18-23
Date: 5-1-16 Sun. PM

Description: Pastor Ken looks at the parables of Jesus in chronological order. This is the “Parable of the Sower”, or “The Parable of the Soils.”

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