America: Exalted or Disgraced?

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: “America: Exalted or Disgraced?”
Scripture: Proverbs 14:34-35
Date: 07-01-18 Sun. AM

Description: We live in the greatest nation on earth. Our nation has truly been blessed by God. However, America is not the same that we knew just 30-40 years ago. The Bible is plain and direct; those nations who know and follow God are blessed. Those who turn their backs on God and live unrighteous lives will suffer God’s judgment. Pastor Ken draws parallels between this passage and our dear America, and talks about the past exaltation of America, the present sin of America, and the present and future judgment of America.

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Dogs, Pearls, and Pigs

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: “Dogs, Pearls, and Pigs”
Scripture: Matt. 7:6
Date: 03-26-17 Sun. PM

Description: “Judge not that you may not be judged!” Isn’t that the response we get from unbelievers and Christians who don’t interpret the Bible correctly? They say “think the best of others and be positive.” What does this text really teach about judging? What does it not teach? And what about the dogs, pearls, and pigs?

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