The Mystery of the Church

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: The Wealth and Walk of the Christian #10
Title: “The Mystery of the Church”
Scripture: Ephesians 3:1-13
Date: 9-24-17 Sun. AM

Description: Why do we go to church? Where did the idea of church start? The tenth message in the series from Ephesians on the wealth and walk addresses a great truth, the mystery of the church.

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Brought Near

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: The Wealth and Walk of the Christian #8
Title: “Brought Near”
Scripture: Ephesians 2:13-18
Date: 8-27-17 Sun. AM

Description: What is God’s plan for the Jews and Gentiles? When we understand God’s plan, we can appreciate our salvation even more! When we were at enmity with God, Christ brought us near. In this message, Pastor Ken examines the results of this reconciliation with God through Christ.

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Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: The Wealth and Walk of the Christian #7
Title: “Without”
Scripture: Ephesians 2:11-12
Date: 8-20-17 Sun. AM

Description: God made no messianic promises to the Gentiles, but promised a kingdom to the Jews. What is God’s plan for the Jews and the Gentiles? In this message, Pastor Ken talks about the first of three words that describe God’s program for salvation.

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The Doctrine of Creation – Part 2

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: The Doctrine of Creation (The Answers Are In Genesis) #2
Title: “Before Creation”
Scripture: Genesis 1:1
Date: 05-14-17 Sun. PM

Description: What was God doing before creation (Gen. 1:1)? What was God’s purpose in creation? What was before Genesis? Find the Bible answers to these questions in this sermon, part of the Doctrine of Creation series preached by Pastor Ken at Trinity Baptist Church.

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Calming the Storm

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: The Gospel of Mark #16
Title: “Calming the Storm”
Scripture: Mark 4:35-41
Date: 04-30-17 Sun. AM

Description: The miracle in this passage is not having Jesus in your boat of life and everything will be okay. This passage is about the Creator working in our lives. Jesus arranges the storms and works them together to make us like Him. We have the promise of Heaven; and He is with us working his perfect plan.

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