Rahab: Picture of Saving Faith Pt. 2

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: Rahab: Picture of Saving Faith Pt. 2
Scripture:  Joshua 2:1-24
Date: 12/26/21 Sun. PM


Outline: In part two we continue to examine what kind of faith Rahab had in Joshua 2:1-24.

I. Courageous Faith (vs. 1-7).

II. Confident Faith (vs. 8-11).

III. Concerned Faith (vs. 12-14).

IV. Covenant Faith (vs. 15-24).

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Faith in the Face of Fear

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: Matthew:  Our Sovereign King
Title: Faith in the Face of Fear
Scripture:  Matthew 14:22-33
Date: 09/05/21 Sun. PM

Description: Pastor Ken teaches how we can have faith in the face of fear as we learn from Jesus walking on water in Matt. 14:22-33.


I.   Jesus is Sovereign Over You (22-24).

II.  Jesus is Interceding for You (22-24).

III.  Jesus is Present in You (25-27).

IV.  Jesus is Strength in You (28-31).

V.   Jesus is Peace in You (32-33).


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Lydia: Woman of Faith

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: Lydia: Woman of Faith
Scripture: Acts 16:11-15
Date: 05/09/21 Sun. AM

Description: Lydia was a convert of Paul that expressed her faith.

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Living Clean in a Dirty World

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: Living Clean in a Dirty World
Scripture: 1 Peter 1:13-17
Date: 11/22/20 Sun. AM

Description: Peter tells the church they are about to suffer for their faith and how they can live clean in a dirty world.


I. Hope (1:13)

II. Holiness (1:14-16)

III. Honor (1:17)

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We Have a Confident Faith

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: Why We Don’t Lose Heart
Title: We Have a Confident Faith
Scripture: 2 Corinthians 4:13-18
Date: 09/13/2020 Sun. AM

Description: Paul gives the third reason we don’t lose heart. We have a confident faith! What are we assured of because we know the Word of God and have an attitude of faith?

I. Sure of Ultimate Victory (4:14)
II. Sure God Will be Glorified (4:15)
III. Sure Trials Work For Us Not Against Us (4:16-17)
IV. Sure The Invisible World is Real (4:18)

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Inez singing – I Thirst

Message: We Have a Confident Faith

Can a Workless Faith Save?

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: Can a Workless Faith Save?
Scripture: James 2:14-26
Date: 05/10/2020 Sun. AM

Description: James asks the question in James 2:14 “Can a Workless Faith Save”? He then answers in 2:15-26 with a resounding No!

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Benefits of Being Right with God Pt. 3

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: “Benefits of being Right with God” Pt. 3
Scripture: Romans 5:1-11
Date: 02-24-2019 Sun. AM

Description: Paul list six benefits of being justified or right with God that flow from peace with God through faith.

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“Benefits of Being Right with God” Pt. 2

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: “Benefits of being Right with God” Pt. 2
Scripture: Romans 5:1-11
Date: 02-17-2019 Sun. AM

Description: Paul list six benefits of being justified or right with God that flow from peace with God through faith.

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Benefits of being Right with God Pt. 1

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: “Benefits of being Right with God” Pt. 1
Scripture: Romans 5:1-11
Date: 02-10-2019 Sun. AM

Description: Paul list six benefits of being justified or right with God that flow from peace with God through faith.

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Preach Jesus

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: Great Gospel Invitations #17
Title: “Preach Jesus”
Scripture: Acts 8:26-40
Date: 08-05-18 Sun. AM

Description: Continuing to look at great gospel messages in the New Testament, Pastor Ken is in the book of Acts looking at sermons by Peter, Philip, and Paul. In this text, Philip preaches Christ in the Gaza Desert. Things that we can learn from Philip’s preaching are that we must preach the death and exaltation of Jesus for our sins and the importance of repentance, faith, and believer’s baptism.

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