A Timely Message for the Church

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Sunday School
Title: A Timely Message for the Church
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 1:1-9
Date: 08/09/2020 Sun. AM

Description: In the times we live we need to hear what Paul instructed the Corinthian believers.

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Why the Saved can Never be Lost Pt. 2

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: Why the Saved can Never be Lost Pt. 2
Scripture: Romans 5:2-5a
Date: 08/02/2020 Sun. PM

Description: The believer’s assurance of eternal salvation is found in the person and work of Jesus on the cross.

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Saving a Soul from Death

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: Saving a Soul from Death
Scripture: James 5:19-20
Date: 06/28/2020 Sun. AM

Description: James directs us to go after erring believers so to save them from the sin unto death.

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Jesus Explains Sin Pt. 4

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Jesus Our Sovereign King
Title: Jesus Explains Sin Pt. 4
Scripture: Matthew 5:38-48
Date: 05/24/2020 Sun. PM

Description: Jesus begins to show the exceeding righteous that should be fleshed out in the believers life. As Jesus explains sin He takes it to inner attitudes.

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Jesus Explains Sin Pt. 3

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Jesus Our Sovereign King
Title: Jesus Explains Sin Pt. 3
Scripture: Matthew 5:31-37
Date: 05/17/2020 Sun. PM

Description: Jesus begins to show the exceeding righteous that should be fleshed out in the believers life. As Jesus explains sin He takes it to inner attitudes.

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Jesus Explains Sin Pt. 2

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: Jesus Explains Sin Pt. 2
Scripture: Matthew 5:27-30
Date: 05/10/2020 Sun. PM

Description: Jesus begins to show the exceeding righteous that should be fleshed out in the believers life. As Jesus explains sin He takes it to inner attitudes.

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Jesus Explains Sin

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: Jesus Explains Sin
Scripture: Matthew 5:21-26
Date: 05/03/2020 Sun. PM

Description: Jesus begins to show the exceeding righteous that should be fleshed out in the believers life. As Jesus explains sin He takes it to inner attitudes.

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Response to the Book of Revelation

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: Response to the Book of Revelation
Scripture: Revelation 22:6-13
Date: 12/01/2019 Sun. PM

Description: What is the believers response to the book of Revelation?

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If Christ be not Risen

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: If Christ be not Risen
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:12-20
Date: 04/21/2019 Sun. AM

Description: What if Jesus was not resurrected and is still in the Tomb? Paul presents believers with their dilemma if Christ be not risen.

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