Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: Finish the Work
Scripture: John 4:31-42
Date: 11/17/24 Sun. AM
Sermon Outline:
I. The Believer’s Meat (John 4:31-34)
II. The Believer’s Mission (John 4:35-42)
Thomasville, GA
Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: Finish the Work
Scripture: John 4:31-42
Date: 11/17/24 Sun. AM
Sermon Outline:
I. The Believer’s Meat (John 4:31-34)
II. The Believer’s Mission (John 4:35-42)
Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: Signs of Spiritual Life
Scripture: 1 John 5:1-5
Date: 01/29/23 Sun. AM
I am never in control of what happens around me, but I am always in control of what happens within me.
Sermon Outline:
I. Believers Love of the Father (1 John 5:1b)
II. Believers Love Other Believers (1 John 5:1c)
III. Believers Obey God’s Commandment (1 John 5:2b-3)
IV. Believers Overcome by Faith (1 John 5:4-5)
Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: Love One Another
Scripture: 1 John 3:11-18
Date: 01/08/23 Sun. AM
Love one another as I have loved you. John 13:34
Sermon Outline:
I. Believers Love the brethren (1 John 3:11-15)
II. Believers Serve the brethren (1 John 3:16-17)
Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: Colossians: Christ the Head of the Church
Title: Praying for Other Believers
Scripture: Colossians 1:9-11
Date: 08/08/21 Sun. AM
Description: We often neglect to pray for the spiritual when we pray for other believers. The Apostle Paul gives us insight as what we should pray for.
1. A Worthy Walk (1:10a).
2. A Fruitful Work (1:10b).
3. A Growing Knowledge (1:10c).
4. A Strengthened Endurance (1:11).
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Marjean singing: This is What Heaven Means to Me
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Message: Praying for Other Believers
Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: We Have Hope
Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
Date: 05/23/21 Sun. AM
Description: Believers have hope and comfort because of the soon return of Jesus. Pastor Ken explains the reasons from 1 Thess. 4:13-18.
I. The Revelation (4:13-15).
II. The Return (4:16a).
III. The Resurrection and Rapture (4:16b-18).
IV. The Reunion (4:17a).
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Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: Matthew
Title: Overcoming Doubt
Scripture: Matthew 11:1-6
Date: 02/14/21 Sun. PM
Description: Even believers doubt as John the Baptist doubted in Matt 11:1-6.
I. Difficult Circumstances
II. Incomplete Revelation
III. Worldly Influence
IV. Unmet Expectations
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Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: How Are the Dead Raised? Pt. 2
Title: We Shall be Changed
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:50-58
Date: 11/01/20 Sun. AM
Description: We finish the four part series on the believers future body with a message entitled “We Shall be Changed”.
I. The Believer’s Change (15:51-53)
II. The Believer’s Triumph (15:54-58)
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Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: The Believer’s Future Body Pt. 3
Title: How Are the Dead Raised? Pt. 1
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:35-49
Date: 10/25/20 Sun. PM
Description: We are in Sermon number 3 as we examine the believers future body. How are the dead raised and what will our resurrected bodies be like?
I. Nature (15:36-38)
II. Different (15:39-42a)
III. Contrast (15:42b-44)
IV. Spiritual (15:45-49)
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Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: The Believer’s Future Body Pt. 1
Title: When Are the Dead Raised?
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:20-28
Date: 10/04/2020 Sun. PM
Description: Pastor Ken begins a three part series on the believer’s future resurrected body.
I. Jesus Christ, Our First Fruits (15:20-23)
II. Jesus Christ, the Last Adam (15:21-22)
III. Jesus Christ Delivers up the Kingdom (15:24-28)
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Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: Why the Saved can Never be Lost Pt. 3
Scripture: Romans 5:5b-11
Date: 08/09/2020 Sun. PM
Description: The believer’s assurance of eternal salvation is found in the person and work of Jesus on the cross.
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