Six Biblical reasons why not.
1. The church was founded on the apostles’ teaching [Eph. 2:20].
Their work was to give grounding, support, and direction to the church in her foundational days. You can’t lie but one foundation.
2. Apostles were eyewitnesses to the resurrection of Jesus Christ [1 Cor. 9:1; 15:7-8; Acts 1:21-22].
No man will see Jesus again in person till the rapture of the church [Acts 1:11].
3. Apostles were chosen and called personally by Jesus [Matt. 10:1-4; Gal. 1:11].
Others in the church are called apostles in the sense they are missionaries sent by the local church, but they are not called apostles of Christ, but the church [2 Cor. 8:23]. No miracles are recorded in scripture as being done by the apostles of the church.
When Paul lays forth the leadership for the church in the Pastoral Epistles [1 and 2 Timothy and Titus], he never mentions apostles.
4. Apostles were authenticated by miracles [2 Cor. 12:12; Heb. 2:3-4].
No miracles were ever done by anyone except the apostles or those commissioned by them.
5. Apostles had absolute authority [Jude 1:17].
6. Apostles have a eternal place of honor [Rev. 21:14].
There is no apostolic succession. The office ceased with the death of the last apostle (John).
If one claims to be an apostle in the sense of the original twelve, then he must meet the above criteria.