Blind Faith

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title:  Blind Faith
Scripture: John 9:39-41
Date: 02/25/24 Sun. AM

Sermon Outline:

I. Condemn Themselves (John 9:39)
II. Fail to See Their Condition (John 9:40)
III. Are Not Forgiven (John 9:41a)
IV. Die in Their Sin (John 9:42b)

H.E.L.P. Missions Conference Cont.

Speaker: Missionaries
Title:  H.E.L.P. Ministries Missions Conference
Scripture: Luke 17:11-19
Date: 02/18/24 Sun. PM

Trinity welcomes missionaries through H.E.L.P. Ministries this evening. We have had a wonderful time in the Lord with each one of these special men this week during our Missions Conference.

H.E.L.P. Missions Conference

Speaker: Missionaries
Title:  H.E.L.P. Ministries Missions Conference
Scripture: Acts 1:8, Selected Scriptures
Date: 02/18/24 Sun. AM

Trinity welcomes missionaries through H.E.L.P. Ministries this morning. We have had a wonderful time in the Lord with each one of these special men this week during our Missions Conference.


Do You Believe

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title:  Do You Believe
Scripture: John 9:35-38
Date: 02/11/24 Sun. PM

Sermon Outline:

I. God Takes the Divine Initiative (John 9:35)
II. Man Must Believe in Jesus (John 9:36-38a)

Willing Unbelief

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title:  Willing Unbelief
Scripture: John 9:13-34
Date: 02/11/24 Sun. AM

Sermon Outline:

I. A Biased Investigation (John 9:13-23)
II. A Personal Attack (John 9:24-34)

The Man Born Blind Pt. 2

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title:  The Man Born Blind Pt. 2
Scripture: John 9:6-12
Date: 02/4/24 Sun. PM

Sermon Outline:

I. The Master’s Cure (John 9:6-7)
II. The People’s Confusion (John 9:8-12)

The Man Born Blind Pt. 1

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title:  The Man Born Blind Pt. 1
Scripture: John 9:1-5
Date: 02/4/24 Sun. AM

Sermon Outline:

I. The Man’s Condition (John 9:1)
II. The Disciples Conviction (John 9:2-5)

Jesus Prays for Us

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title:  Jesus Prays for Us
Scripture: John 17:20-26
Date: 01/28/24 Sun. PM

Sermon Outline:

I. Unity (John 17:21-23)
A. Glorification (John 17:24)
B. Love (John 17:25-26)

Jesus Prays for His Apostles

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title:  Jesus Prays for His Apostles
Scripture: John 17:13-19
Date: 01/28/24 Sun. AM

Sermon Outline:

I. The Word of God Gives Us Joy (John 17:13)
A. The Word of God Gives Us Love (John 17:14)
B. The Word of God Gives Us Power (John 17:15-17)
C. The Word of God Give Us the Ability to Serve (John 17:18-19)

The Greatest Prayer Ever Prayed Pt. 2

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title:  The Greatest Prayer Ever Prayed Pt. 2
Scripture: John 17:6-12
Date: 01/21/24 Sun. PM

Sermon Outline:

I. Jesus Prays for Himself (John 17:1-5)
A. The Person of His Father (John 17:1)
B. The Power of His Father (John 17:2-3)
C. The Purpose of His Father (John 17:4-5)

II. Jesus Prays for His Apostles Pt. 1 (John 17:6-12)
A. Special Revelation to the Believer (John 17:6-10)
B. Security of the Believer (John 17:11-12)