The Maniac Missionary

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: The Gospel of Mark #17
Title: “The Maniac Missionary”
Scripture: Mark 5:1-20
Date: 05-07-17 Sun. AM

Description: Jesus showed his power and authority over demons, disease, death, and His creation. The power of Jesus over demons is the main point of the passage. How did this maniac become a missionary? It was a dramatic change through the power of Jesus.

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Calming the Storm

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: The Gospel of Mark #16
Title: “Calming the Storm”
Scripture: Mark 4:35-41
Date: 04-30-17 Sun. AM

Description: The miracle in this passage is not having Jesus in your boat of life and everything will be okay. This passage is about the Creator working in our lives. Jesus arranges the storms and works them together to make us like Him. We have the promise of Heaven; and He is with us working his perfect plan.

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What Time is It in the Church? – Revival Service – Pastor Keith Taylor

Speaker: Pastor Keith Taylor
Title: “What Time is It in the Church?”
Scripture: Romans 13:11-14
Date: 04-23-17 Sun. PM

Description: Pastor Keith Taylor preaches a message at the revival services for Trinity Baptist Church, focusing on understanding the time we live in, as it relates to the New Testament church.

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The Gospel According To Isaiah

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: “The Gospel According to Isaiah”
Scripture: Isaiah 53:1-12
Date: 04-16-17 Sun. AM (Easter Sunday)

Description: Easter is all about the gospel! Had there been no incarnation, perfect life, and cross – there would be no resurrection! We can gather as the redeemed to celebrate the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ!

In this sermon, Pastor Ken proclaims four truths about the gospel prophesied by the prophet Isaiah.

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Family Secrets

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: The Gospel of Mark #15
Title: “Family Secrets”
Scripture: Mark 4:3-9,14-20
Date: 04-09-17 Sun. AM

Description: Have you ever wondered why some are with us then depart from us, why they profess but don’t continue, and why they are not here (or in any other church)? All of these questions can be explained in the parable today!

As Jesus proclaimed the gospel of the kingdom not everybody believed, in fact, more rejected the gospel than believed. Because of the hardness of the people’s hearts, Jesus taught in parables so those seeking truth could understand and those who hardened their heart could not understand (Mark 4:10-12).

Three observations:

1. The parable of the four soils illustrates the problem Jesus faced and the reactions people have to the gospel.

2. This parable also teaches that people don’t lose their salvation, they just never possessed salvation.

3. If someone seems to have lost their salvation, they were just one of the first three hearts (Mark 4:23).

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Liar, Lunatic, or Lord?

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: The Gospel of Mark #14
Title: “Liar, Lunatic, or Lord?”
Scripture: Mark 4:20-35
Date: 04-02-17 Sun. PM

Description: By stating He was Lord of the Sabbath (Mark 2:23-3:6), Jesus clearly claimed to be God. He left His hearers with only three options: they would think of him as delusional, demonic, or divine. Despite His teaching, miracles, and authentication by Old Testament prophets, many refused to believe in Him. Ultimately, the eternal destiny of everyone is determined by what they do with Jesus.

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Dogs, Pearls, and Pigs

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: “Dogs, Pearls, and Pigs”
Scripture: Matt. 7:6
Date: 03-26-17 Sun. PM

Description: “Judge not that you may not be judged!” Isn’t that the response we get from unbelievers and Christians who don’t interpret the Bible correctly? They say “think the best of others and be positive.” What does this text really teach about judging? What does it not teach? And what about the dogs, pearls, and pigs?

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Strength for the Storm

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: “Strength for the Storm” (or) “How to Think in Tough Times”
Scripture: James 1:2-4
Date: 03-26-17 Sun. AM

Description: No matter what the trials may be on the outside (James 1:1,12) or the temptations on the inside (James 1:13), through faith in Christ we can experience victory. The result of this victory is spiritual maturity. The question is, what are we going to do about our trials? How are we going to think in tough times so we can have strength for the storm?

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Lord of the Sabbath – Part 2

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: The Gospel of Mark #13
Title: “Lord of the Sabbath – Part 2”
Scripture: Mark 3:1-6
Date: 03-19-17 Sun. PM

Description: What is legalism or a legalist? Legalism is adding to the Bible man-made rules or traditions for salvation or spirituality! A legalist is the one who does it. The Pharisees had developed a system of 613 laws, 365 negative commands and 248 positive laws. By the time Christ came on the scene, they had produced a heartless, cold, and arrogant brand of righteousness. Jesus directly confronted the man-made traditions and rules of the self-righteous Pharisees that added their oral traditions to the Biblical Sabbath.

In this two-part message, Pastor Ken addresses two incidents where Jesus challenged the Pharisees regarding their understanding of the Sabbath. This sermon presents the second example, dealing with healing a man with a withered hand on the Sabbath day.

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Lord of the Sabbath – Part 1

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: The Gospel of Mark #12
Title: “Lord of the Sabbath – Part 1”
Scripture: Mark 2:23-28
Date: 03-19-17 Sun. AM

Description: What is legalism or a legalist? Legalism is adding to the Bible man-made rules or traditions for salvation or spirituality! A legalist is the one who does it. The Pharisees had developed a system of 613 laws, 365 negative commands and 248 positive laws. By the time Christ came on the scene, they had produced a heartless, cold, and arrogant brand of righteousness. Jesus directly confronted the man-made traditions and rules of the self-righteous Pharisees that added their oral traditions to the Biblical Sabbath.

In this two-part message, Pastor Ken addresses two incidents where Jesus challenged the Pharisees regarding their understanding of the Sabbath. This sermon presents the first example, dealing with plucking corn on the Sabbath.

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