Cartoon Christians

Speaker: Bro. Glen Scoggin
Title: Cartoon Christians
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 4:2
Date: 07/26/2020 Sun. PM

Description: Bro. Glen teaches about different kinds of Christians using the analogy of some old cartoon characters.

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Why Worry? Pt. 2

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: Why Worry? Pt. 2
Scripture: Matthew 6:26-34
Date: 07/26/2020 Sun. AM

Description: Jesus continues to share why we should not worry about our daily needs.

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Why the Saved Can Never be Lost Pt. 1

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: Why the Saved can Never be Lost Pt. 1
Scripture: Romans 5:1
Date: 07/19/2020 Sun. PM

Description: In part one of the message “Why the Saved Can Never be Lost” Pastor Ken shares the first reason we have full assurance of salvation.

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Why Worry? Pt. 1

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: Why Worry? Pt. 1
Scripture: Matthew 6:25
Date: 07/19/2020 Sun. AM

Description: In part one of the message “Why Worry” Pastor Ken shares one of four reasons Jesus tells us not to worry.

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Our Great Defense Attorney

Speaker: Pastor Joe Pierini
Title: Our Great Defense Attorney
Scripture: 1 John 2:1
Date: 07/12/2020 Sun. AM

Description: Today we celebrate our 53rd Church Anniversary with Pastor Joe Pierini of Central Baptist Church in Crawfordville, Fl. Bro. Joe shows us in God’s word that as a sinner we have an advocate Jesus Christ as “Our Great Defense Attorney”.

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Which Life are You Living For?

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: Which Life are You Living For?
Scripture: Matthew 6:19-24
Date: 07/05/2020 Sun. PM

Description: Which life are you living for? Are you laying up treasures in this life are treasures in heaven?

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The Pattern for Prayer

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: The Pattern for Prayer
Scripture: Matthew 6:9-15
Date: 07/05/2020 Sun. AM

Description: Jesus gave us a model to pattern our prayers after.

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Wisdom Pt. 1

Speaker: Bro. Glen Scoggin
Adult Sunday School
Title: Wisdom Pt. 1
Scripture: Proverbs 1-2
Date: 07/05/2020 Sun. AM

Description: Bro. Glen shares about true wisdom and what’s happening in America and why.

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Saving a Soul from Death

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: Saving a Soul from Death
Scripture: James 5:19-20
Date: 06/28/2020 Sun. AM

Description: James directs us to go after erring believers so to save them from the sin unto death.

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Body Parts

Speaker: Bro. Glen Scoggin
Title: Body Parts
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12
Date: 06/28/2020 Sun. PM

Description: Bro. Glen preaches on 1 Corinthians 12 and the importance and necessity of each member.

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