How We Come To Jesus

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: How We Come To Jesus
Scripture: 1 Peter 2:4-10
Date: 01/03/21 Sun. AM

Description: There are several metaphors for the church in the New Testament. 1 Peter 2:4-10 describes us as living stones in a spiritual house and Priests in a temple.

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Marks of a Disciple Pt. 1

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: Matthew
Title: Marks of a Disciple Pt. 1
Scripture: Matthew 10:24-31
Date: 01/03/21 Sun. PM

Description: Matthew 10:24-42 presents six marks of a disciple of Jesus. Tonight we examine the first two.

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The King’s Men Pt. 3

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: Matthew
Title: The King’s Men Pt. 3
Scripture: Matthew 10:16-23
Date: 12/27/20 Sun. PM

Description: Matthew 10:16-23 explains what the tribulation period will be like for disciples who get saved in the tribulation.


I. Time of Opposition (10:16-17).

II. Time of Opportunity (10:18-21).

III. Time of Obligation (10:22-23).

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Family Likeness

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: 1 Peter: Persevering Thru Persecution
Title: Family Likeness
Scripture: 1 Peter 1:22-2:3
Date: 12/27/20 Sun. AM

Description: In 1 Peter 1:22-2:3 Peter gives us a picture of the church as a family. We see the spiritual likeness in this family.


I. We Have Experienced the Same Birth (1:23-25).

II. We Express the Same Love (1:22).

III. We Enjoy the Same Nourishment (2:1-3).

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The Miracle of the Virgin Birth

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: The Christmas Story
Title: The Miracle of the Virgin Birth
Scripture: Luke 1:34-38
Date: 12/20/20 Sun. PM

Description: Pastor Ken explains the miracle of the Virgin birth from Luke’s perspective in Luke 1:34-38.

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Come Let Us Adore Him

Trinity Church Choir
Title: Come Let Us Adore Him
Date: 12/20/20 Sun. AM

Description: The Trinity choir presents “Come Let Us Adore Him”

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The Providence of God in Christmas

Speaker: Bro. Glen Scoggin
Series: The Christmas Story
Title: The Providence of God in Christmas
Scripture: Matthew 1:18
Date: 12/13/20 Sun. PM

Description: Bro. Glen traces the providence of God in the First Christmas.

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Prophecy of the Virgin Birth

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: The Christmas Story
Title: Prophecy of the Virgin Birth
Scripture: Luke 1:26-33
Date: 12/13/20 Sun. AM

Description: “The Prophecy of the Virgin Birth” Luke 1:26-33. Gabriel visited Mary with the news that she would bear the Christ Child. We see the favor and blessing of God bestowed upon her.

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The King’s Men Pt. 2

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: Matthew
Title: The King’s Men Pt. 2
Scripture: Matthew 10:5-15
Date: 12/06/20 Sun. PM

Description: Sunday evening Pastor Ken examines the ministry of the Apostles.


I. Overview of Their Ministry

II. Detail of Their Ministry

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Doubting God’s Word

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: The Christmas Story
Title: Doubting God’s Word
Scripture: Luke 1:18-25
Date: 12/06/20 Sun. AM

Description: Pastor Ken looks at Zacharias and Elizabeth getting the wonderful news of giving birth to John the forerunner to the Messiah.


I. His Disbelief (1:18)

II. His Discipline (1:19-22)

III. His Departure (1:23-25)

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