Sabbath Controversies

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: Matthew
Title: Sabbath Controversies
Scripture: Matthew 12:1-14
Date: 03/21/21 Sun. AM

Description: In Matthew 12:1-14 Jesus attacks the Pharisees for their self-righteousness and hypocrisy.


I. They Added to the Requirements of the Law (12:1-2).

II. They Ignored the Exceptions to the Law (12:3-8).

III. They Missed the Heart of the Law (12:10-14).

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Portraits of Jesus Pt. 2

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: Matthew
Title: Portraits of Jesus Pt. 2
Scripture: Matthew 11:1-30
Date: 03/14/21 Sun. PM

Description: We examine the fourth portrait of Jesus being the gracious master. We examine the three imperatives in Matt. 11:28-30.


I. Jesus is the Promised Messiah (11:1-19).

II. Jesus is the Authoritative Judge (11:20-24).

III. Jesus is the Sovereign Son (11:23-27).

IV. Jesus is the Gracious Master (11:28-30).

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Pilgrim Mentality

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: 1 Peter: Persevering Thru Persecution
Title: Pilgrim Mentality
Scripture: 1 Peter 4:1-11
Date: 03/14/21 Sun. AM

Description: Peter explains to us in 1 Peter 4:1-11 how to live with a pilgrim mentality in this world of cancel culture.


I. Be Willing to Suffer for Christ (4:1-3).

II. Be Eager to Preach the Gospel (4:4-6).

III. Be Watchful for Christ’s Return (4:7).

IV. Be Busy Serving Others (4:8-11).

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Portraits of Jesus Pt. 1

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: Matthew
Title: Portraits of Jesus Pt. 1
Scripture: Matthew 11:1-30
Date: 03/07/21 Sun. PM

Description: Matt. 11:1-30 presents four portraits of Jesus. We see him as Messiah, Judge, Son, and Master.


I. Jesus is the Promised Messiah (11:1-19).

II. Jesus is the Authoritative Judge (11:20-24).

III. Jesus is the Sovereign Son (11:23-27).

IV. Jesus is the Gracious Master (11:28-30).

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Christ’s Triumphant Proclamation

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: 1 Peter: Persevering Thru Persecution
Title: Christ’s Triumphant Proclamation
Scripture: 1 Peter 3:19-22
Date: 03/07/21 Sun. AM

Description: Where did Jesus go when He died and what did He do? 1 Peter 3:19-22 gives us the answer.


I. Where Did Jesus Go After His Death and What Did He Do? (3:19-20a).

II. Does Water Baptism Save? (3:20b-22).

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True Greatness Pt. 2

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: Matthew
Title: True Greatness Pt. 2
Scripture: Matthew 11:9-14
Date: 02/28/21 Sun. AM

Description: Jesus shows what true greatness is from the life and ministry of John the Baptist.


I. Personal Character (11:7-8).
* Overcomes Doubts and Hardships
* Strong in Convictions
* Self-Denial

II. Privileged Calling (11:9-11).

III. Powerful Conflict (11:12-14).

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When a Nation Turns its Back on God

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: When a Nation Turns its Back on God
Scripture: Romans 1:24-32
Date: 02/21/21 Sun. PM

Description: Divine abandonment is a doctrine taught in the Scripture.


I. Abandoned in Fornication (1:24-25).

II. Abandoned in Sexual Perversion (1:26-27).

III. Abandoned in Depraved Life Styles (1:28-32).

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True Greatness Pt. 1

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: Matthew
Title: True Greatness Pt. 1
Scripture: Matthew 11:7-15
Date: 02/21/21 Sun. AM

Description: Jesus explains the greatness of John the Baptist and what greatness is in the kingdom of God.


I. Personal Character (11:7-8).
* Overcomes Doubts and Hardships
* Strong in Convictions
* Self-Denial

II. Privileged Calling (11:9-11).

III. Powerful Conflict (11:12-14).

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Overcoming Doubt

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: Matthew
Title: Overcoming Doubt
Scripture: Matthew 11:1-6
Date: 02/14/21 Sun. PM

Description: Even believers doubt as John the Baptist doubted in Matt 11:1-6.


I. Difficult Circumstances

II. Incomplete Revelation

III. Worldly Influence

IV. Unmet Expectations

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Christ Our Substitute

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: 1 Peter: Persevering Thru Persecution
Title: Christ Our Substitute
Scripture: 1 Peter 3:18
Date: 02/14/21 Sun. AM

Description: Peter explains the substitutionary death of Christ in 1 Peter 3:18.

I. The Permanent Substitute (18a).

II. The Perfect Substitute (18b).

III. The Pleasing Substitute (18c).

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