The One-Verse Gospel

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: The One-Verse Gospel
Scripture: John 3:16
Date: 05/02/21 Sun. AM

Description: John 3:16 is called the One-Verse Gospel. Pastor Ken explains why.


I. The Extent (16a).

II. The Expression (16b).

III. The Eternality (16c).

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“The Christian Worldview” Introduction

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: “The Christian Worldview” Introduction
Scripture: Ephesians 4:17-24
Date: 04/18/21 Sun. PM

Description: Tonight I share an introductory message on the Christian Worldview.


I. What is a Worldview?

II. What are the Benefits of the Christian Worldview?

III. What is the Difference Between the Christian Worldview and other Worldviews?

IV. How Does the Christian Worldview Apply in Our Daily Life?

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The Unforgivable Sin

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: Matthew
Title: The Unforgivable Sin
Scripture: Matthew 12:22-32
Date: 04/18/21 Sun. AM

Description: In Matt. 12:22-32 Jesus explains what the unforgivable sin is and how it is committed.


I. One Unbelievable Question (12:22-23).

II. Two Unreasonable Accusations (12:24).

III. Three Undeniable Conclusions (12:25-30).

IV. The Unforgivable Sin (12:31-32).

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Just a Few Hours to Live

Speaker: Revival Pastor Jeff Pangle
Title: Just a Few Hours to Live
Scripture: Luke 12:16-21
Date: 04/11/21 Sun. PM

Description: Bro. Jeff Pangle asks the question from Luke 12:13, what would you do if you were told you have only hours to live?

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God’s Beloved Servant Pt. 2

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: Matthew
Title: God’s Beloved Servant Pt. 2
Scripture: Matthew 12:15-21
Date: 04/11/21 Sun. AM

Description: In part 2 of Matt. 12:15-21, Matthew continues to share 7 characteristics of God’s beloved Servant.

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If Christ be not Risen

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: If Christ be not Risen
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:12-20
Date: 04/04/21 Sun. AM


Outline: Paul goes through several realities if Christ be not risen and is still in the tomb.

I. Our Preaching is Empty (15:14a).
II. Our Faith in Christ is Useless (15:14b,17a).
III. Our Testimony to Others is False (15:15).
IV. Our Sins Remain Unforgiven (15:17).
V. Our Dead Believing Loved Ones Have Perished (15:18).
VI. Living Believers are in a Wretched Condition (15:19).

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Song Special – “He Lives”

Message – If Christ be not Risen

Father Forgive Them

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: Good Friday Service
Title: Father Forgive Them
Scripture: Luke 23:33-38
Date: 04/02/21 Sun. PM

Description: The first saying of Jesus on the cross was “Father forgive them.” What exactly did Jesus mean by that statement?

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God’s Beloved Servant Pt. 1

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: Matthew
Title: God’s Beloved Servant Pt. 1
Scripture: Matthew 12:15-21
Date: 03/28/21 Sun. PM


Outline: Matthew explains why Jesus is called “God’s Beloved Servant” in Pt. 1 of this message.

I. Jesus Confirmed to the Father’s Plan (12:15-17).

II. Jesus was Commended by the Father (12:18a).

III. Jesus was Commissioned by the Holy Spirt (12:18b).

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Shepherding The Flock

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: 1 Peter: Persevering Thru Persecution
Title: Shepherding The Flock
Scripture: 1 Peter 5:1-4
Date: 03/28/21 Sun. AM

Description: Peter explains what is involved in shepherding the flock of God.


I. The What in Shepherding (5:1-2a).

II. The Who in Shepherding (5:2b).

III. The How in Shepherding (5:2c-3).

IV. The Why in Shepherding (5:4).

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The Fiery Trial

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: 1 Peter: Persevering Thru Persecution
Title: The Fiery Trial
Scripture: 1 Peter 4:12-19
Date: 03/21/21 Sun. PM

Description: In 1 Peter 4:12-19 – Peter shares four attitudes of the believer in suffering for Jesus and righteousness.


I. Expect It (4:12).

II. Exalt It (4:13-14).

III. Evaluate It (4:15-18).

IV. Entrust It (4:19).

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