Believing in the Right Jesus Pt. 1

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: Matthew:  Our Sovereign King
Title: Believing in the Right Jesus Pt. 1
Scripture:  Matthew 16:13-20
Date: 11/14/21 Sun. AM


Outline: Are you believing in the right Jesus? Matt. 16:13-17 gives us insight as to the true people of God.

I. The Church is a Community of People Who Know Jesus Intimately (16:13-17).

II. The Church is a Community of People Who Confidently Proclaim Him (16:18).

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Be Blessed by the Lord

Speaker: Missionary Phil Frasier
Title: Be Blessed by the Lord
Date: 11/07/21 Sun. PM

Description: Bro. Phil Frasier, missionary to the Philippines, tells us how we can put ourselves in position to be blessed by the Lord.

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Living Wisely Before the Lost

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: Colossians: Christ the Head of the Church
Title: Living Wisely Before the Lost
Scripture:  Colossians 4:2-6
Date: 11/07/21 Sun. AM

Description: Pastor Ken shares how we can live wisely before the lost from Col. 4:2-6.


I. Prayer (vs. 2).

II. Proclamation (vs. 3-4).

III. Performance (vs. 5).

IV. Purpose (vs. 6).

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Putting on the New Man

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: Colossians: Christ the Head of the Church
Title: Putting on the New Man
Scripture:  Colossians 3:9-17
Date: 10/31/21 Sun. AM

Description: What did Paul mean by putting on the New Man? What exactly does this mean?

I. The New Man’s Source (3:9b).

II. The New Man’s Maturity (3:10b-11).

III. The New Man’s Characteristics (3:12-14).

IV. The New Man’s Priorities (3:15-17).

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The Blind Who Are Made to See

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: Matthew:  Our Sovereign King
Title: The Blind Who Are Made to See
Scripture:  Matthew 16:5-12
Date: 10/24/21 Sun. PM


Outline: Matthew shares four characteristics of those who are spiritually blind and are made to see.

I. They Seek the Light (16:5).

II. They Curse the Darkness (16:5).

III. They Receive Greater Light (16:6-10).

IV. They are Taught by the Lord (16:11-12).

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Living the Risen Life

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: Colossians: Christ the Head of the Church
Title: Living the Risen Life
Scripture:  Colossians 3:1-4
Date: 10/24/21 Sun. AM

Description: Paul explains what it means to live the risen life and how we can live it.


I. Our Union with Christ (3:1a, 3a, 4a).

II. Our Belonging to Christ (3:3b).

III. Our Glory That Awaits Us in Christ (3:4b).

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The Blind that Refuse to See

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: Matthew:  Our Sovereign King
Title: The Blind that Refuse to See
Scripture:  Matthew 16:1-4
Date: 10/17/21 Sun. PM


Outline: Matthew describes Spiritual blindness and the sad destiny of those who willfully remain in sin and darkness.

I. They Love Spiritual Darkness (16:1a).

II. They Curse the Light (16:1b-3).

III. They Regress Deeper into Sin (16:4a).

IV. They are Abandoned by God (16:4b).

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Fighting Heresy

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: Colossians: Christ the Head of the Church
Title: Fighting Heresy
Scripture:  Colossians 2:16-23
Date: 10/17/21 Sun. AM

Description: The Colossian heresy is still in the church today. Paul describes these heresies in our text.


I. Legalism (2:16-17).

II. Mysticism (2:18-19).

III. Asceticism (2:20-23).

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Complete in Christ

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: Colossians: Christ the Head of the Church
Title: Complete in Christ
Scripture:  Colossians 2:10-15
Date: 10/10/21 Sun. AM

Description: Are you complete in Christ?


I. Complete Salvation (2:11-12).

II. Complete Forgiveness (2:13-14).

III. Complete Victory (2:15).

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False Philosophy

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Series: Colossians: Christ the Head of the Church
Title: False Philosophy
Scripture:  Colossians 2:8-10
Date: 10/03/21 Sun. PM

Description: Paul contrasts the worlds wisdom with Godly wisdom.


I. The Insufficiency of Philosophy.

II. The Sufficiency of Christ.

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