Preparing for Battle Pt. 4

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title:  Preparing for Battle Pt. 4
Scripture:  Joshua 5:13-15
Date: 03/13/22 Sun. PM


I. Renew the Lord’s Covenant (Joshua 5:1-9)

II. Remember the Lord’s Goodness (Joshua 5:10-12)

III. Reaffirm the Lord’s Presence (Joshua 5:13-15)

Behold Thy Son; Behold Thy Mother

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title:  Behold Thy Son; Behold Thy Mother
Scripture:  John 19:25-27
Date: 03/13/22 Sun. AM

Outline: Have you been walking with the Lord as you should?

4 Responsibilities

I. The Greatest Joys in this Life will Bring the Greatest Sorrow.

II. Honoring Your Parents is for a Lifetime.

III. If You’ve Wandered from the Savior, You Can Return.

IV. Spiritual Relationships Must Not Ignore the Physical Responsibilities.

Preparing for Battle Pt. 3

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title:  Preparing for Battle Pt. 3
Scripture:  Joshua 5:1-15
Date: 03/06/22 Sun. PM


I. Remember the Lord’s Covenant (Joshua 5:1-9)

II. Remember the Lord’s Goodness (Joshua 5:10-12)

III. Reaffirming the Lord’s Presence (Joshua 5:13-15)


Today Shalt Thou be with Me

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title:  Today Shalt Thou be with Me
Scripture:  Luke 23:33-48
Date: 03/06/22 Sun. AM


I. The Horror of Crucifixion

II. The Words of Comfort

Preparing for Battle Pt. 2

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title:  Preparing for Battle Pt. 2
Scripture:  Joshua 5:1-15
Date: 02/27/22 Sun. PM


I. Remember the Lord’s Covenant (Joshua 5:1-9)

II. Remember the Lord’s Goodness (Joshua 5:10-12)

III. Reaffirming the Lord’s Presence (Joshua 5:13-15)

Father Forgive Them

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title:  Father Forgive Them
Scripture:  Luke 23:33-38
Date: 02/27/22 Sun. AM


I.   The Prayer (vs. Luke 23:33-34)

II.  The Answer (vs. Col. 2:13-14)

III.  The Responsibility (vs. Col. 3:12-13)

Preparing for Battle Pt. 1

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: Preparing for Battle Pt. 1
Scripture:  Joshua 5:1-15
Date: 02/20/22 Sun. PM


I. Remember the Lord’s Covenant (vs. 5:1-9)

II. Remember the Lord’s Goodness (vs. 5:10-12)

III. Reaffirming the Lord’s Presence (vs. 5:13-15)


Preparing for Battle Pt. 1

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: Preparing for Battle Pt. 1
Scripture:  Joshua 5:1-15
Date: 02/20/22 Sun. PM


I. Remember the Lord’s Covenant (vs. 5:1-9)

II. Remember the Lord’s Goodness (vs. 5:10-12)

III. Reaffirming the Lord’s Presence (vs. 5:13-15)

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Who is the Greatest?

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: Who is the Greatest?
Scripture:  Matthew 18:1-6
Date: 02/20/22 Sun. AM


I. The Disciples Question about Greatness (vs. 18:1)

II. The Object Lesson on Humility (vs. 18:2-4)

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H.E.L.P. Ministries Mission Conference

Speaker: Missionary Speakers
Scripture:  Numbers 20:2-13
Date: 02/13/22 Sun. PM


Testimony by Missionary Ray Secillano (Philippines)

Missionary Speaker: Joshua Akakpo (Togo, West Africa)

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