A Little Bit is all God Needs

Speaker: Pastor Jeff Pangle
Title: A Little Bit is all God Needs
Scripture:  Mark 8:1-9
Date: 04/13/22 Wed. PM

Trinity Baptist Church welcomes Bro. Jeff Pangle from Waterloo Baptist Church in Chula, Ga. this week for revival services.

Tuesday Night Revival

Speaker: Pastor Jeff Pangle
Title: The Kind of Believer God is Looking For
Scripture:  Ezekiel 22:30
Date: 04/12/22 Tues. PM

Trinity Baptist Church welcomes Bro. Jeff Pangle from Waterloo Baptist Church in Chula, Ga. this week for revival services.

Monday Night Revival

Speaker: Pastor Jeff Pangle
Title: If We Believe We’re Living in the Last Days, What Should We Do?
Scripture:  1 Peter 4:7-10
Date: 04/11/22 Mon. PM

Trinity Baptist Church welcomes Bro. Jeff Pangle from Waterloo Baptist Church in Chula, Ga. this week for revival services.

I Commend My Spirit

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: I Commend My Spirit
Scripture:  Luke 23:44-49
Date: 04/10/22 Sun. AM


I. Father

II. Into Thy Hands

III. I Commend

IV. My Spirit

Spiritual Conflict Pt. 2

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title:  Spiritual Conflict Pt. 2
Scripture:  Joshua 6:6-25
Date: 03/27/22 Sun. PM


I. We Fight from Victory not for Victory (Joshua 6:1-5).

II. We Overcome the Enemy by Faith (Joshua 6:6-25).

III. We Give God the Glory (Joshua 6:26-27)

It is Finished

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: It is Finished
Scripture:  John 19:28-30
Date: 04/03/22 Sun. AM


I. Jesus Finished What He Came to Do.

II. Jesus Fulfilled God’s Will.

Spiritual Conflict

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title:  Spiritual Conflict
Scripture:  Joshua 6:1-5
Date: 03/27/22 Sun. PM


I. We Fight from Victory not for Victory (Joshua 6:1-5).

II. We Overcome the Enemy by Faith (Joshua 6:6-16, Joshua 6:20).

III. We Give God the Glory (Joshua 6:17-19, Joshua 6:21-27)

I Thirst

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title:  I Thirst
Scripture:  John 19:28-29
Date: 03/27/22 Sun. AM


I. The Explanation

II. The Application

Why We Proclaim the Gospel

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title:  Why We Proclaim the Gospel
Scripture:  Romans 1:15-17
Date: 03/20/22 Sun. PM


I. Produces Saving Faith in the Lost (v. 16).

II. Produces Sanctifying Faith in the Saved (v. 17).

Forsaken for Me

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title:  Forsaken for Me
Scripture:  Matthew 27:45-46
Date: 03/20/22 Sun. AM


I. It Was a Cry of Separation.

II. It Was a Cry of Security.