Family Forgiveness

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title:  Family Forgiveness
Scripture:  Matthew 18:21-35
Date: 05/22/22 Sun. AM


I. Forgiveness is Unlimited (18:21-22).

II. We Forgive Because God Forgave Us (18:23-33).

III. If We Don’t Forgive Others, God Will Chasten Us (18:34-35).

Sin in the Camp Pt. 2

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title:  Sin in the Camp Pt. 2
Scripture:  Joshua 7:6-15
Date: 05/15/22 Sun. PM


III. A Discouraged Leader (Joshua 7:6-15).

IV. A Discovered Sinner (Joshua 7:16-26).

Restoring a Sinning Church Member

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title:  Restoring a Sinning Church Member
Scripture:  Matthew 18:15-20
Date: 05/15/22 Sun. AM


I. What is Church Discipline?

II. When is the Church to Discipline?

III. Why is the Church to Discipline?

IV. Why Don’t We Practice Church Discipline?

V. What Church Discipline is not?

VI. What is the Process of Church Discipline?

What Mary Knew

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title:  What Did Mary Know?
Scripture:  Luke 1:45-55
Date: 05/08/22 Sun. AM


I. What God Did for Her (Luke 1:45-49).

II. What God Did for Others (Luke 1:50-53).

III. What God Did for Israel (Luke 1:54-55).

Sin in the Camp Pt. 1

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title:  Sin in the Camp Pt. 1
Scripture:  Joshua 7:1-26
Date: 05/01/22 Sun. PM


I. A Disobedient Soldier (Joshua 7:1, Joshua 7:20-21).

II. A Defeated Army (Joshua 7:2-5).

III. A Discouraged Leader (Joshua 7:6-15).

IV. A Discovered Sinner (Joshua 7:16-26).

Don’t Look Down on God’s Children

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: Don’t Look Down on God’s Children
Scripture:  Matthew 18:10-14
Date: 05/01/22 Sun. AM


I. Because of the Angels (Matthew 18:10b).

II. Because of Jesus Christ (Matthew 18:11-13).

III. Because of the Father (Matthew 18:10-14).

Mollie Lillian Mirick

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title:  Funeral Service for Mollie Lillian Mirick
Date: 04/28/22

Spiritual Conflict Pt. 4

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title:  Spiritual Conflict Pt. 4
Scripture:  Joshua 6:17-27
Date: 04/24/22 Sun. PM


I. We Fight from Victory not for Victory (Joshua 6:1-5).

II. We Overcome the Enemy by Faith (Joshua 6:6-16).

III. We Obey Every Detail (Joshua 6:17-27)

The Danger of Causing a Christian to Sin

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: The Danger of Causing a Christian to Sin
Scripture:  Matthew 18:5-9
Date: 04/24/22 Sun. AM


I. The Principle (18:5).

II. The Peril (18:6-7).

III. The Prevention (18:8-9).

What a Difference a Day Makes

Speaker: Pastor Ken Burgess
Title: What a Difference a Day Makes
Scripture:  Matthew 28:1-10
Date: 04/17/22 Sun. AM


I. Historical Implications.

II. Practical Implications.

III. Doctrinal Implications.